I have found the 3 most important tips for staying organized

If I think back to when I was in high school and college I was not at all organized.
I would make it to class on time and I would get all my school work done on time BUT anything beyond that was just scattered here and there and everywhere.

Then I got married in 1968 and I was so happy and excited to set up my first real home with my new husband. The disorganization that I had through my school years now got worse because I had added another piece to my life – marriage.

Three years later we had our first baby and now I had the responsibilities of a new baby on top of everything else. Somehow I managed through baby number 1, three years later baby number 2 and all the other things that come along with being a family.

When both children were in school I began working part-time as a substitute teacher and also kept teaching my private music students between the hours of 3:30pm and 6:00pm. I was happy because I had everything that I had ever wanted – well except for the added stress in my life.

A very dear friend gave me a special book and told me to really read it — maybe even a couple of times. The book title was “The Side-Tracked Home Executive” It was written by two sisters who were both facing a possible divorce if they didn’t get their lives under control. I ended up reading that book three times and working on implementing the suggestions in the book. This blog is not a book review so I would just like to suggest that you search for and get the book! It will change your life.

Tip Number 1

First you have to admit and recognize that you are unorganized and that your life is out of control. Then begin researching to find things that other people have done to help them be more organized.

Tip Number 2

In addition to the suggestions in the book I purchased an 8 1/2 x 11 spiral calendar with a place to write in 30 min increments. I actually had gotten the idea from a very dear friend who had four children and was involved in many activities outside of her home. She had me make a list of all the things I was responsible for and assign a specific color to each of them. On the evening of the last day of each month I would open my calendar to the next month and I would color code with a highlighter every half hour of the day. My calendar was so colorful and it became a great door opener to start a conversation.

If someone called and asked if I could do a makeup lesson at a certain day and time, I would check my calendar. If that slot was colored Lavender I would so no I am busy then (even if I wasn’t) and suggest a time in a slot that was colored Blue. It has been 50+ years since I began my color coded calendar and I still use that system but now with Google calendar.

Family – Lavender
Teaching Music – Blue
Shaklee Business – Green
Personal Appointments – Purple
Me Time – Pink

Tip Number 3

This is a very short tip but one of the most important things you can do.

I take care of me.
If I am not healthy, get plenty of sleep, eat a healthy diet, keep my weight under control etc. Then how can I possibly be of any use to the other people in my life who depend on me. Putting you first is not a selfish act. It is a very necessary act to help keep you organized in everything that you do.

So many times people ask me how, at age 72, I am still teaching 25 music students, running a very successful Shaklee business, involved in community groups and yet I look happy, stress free, productive and lately people tell me I look younger now than I did 20 years ago.

Be Kind to Yourself and use my tips to stay organized and stress free!!

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