Money Down the Drain

If I had a dollar for every book I have purchased, every weight loss plan I have tried, every group that I have joined — well you get the idea — I would be very wealthy.  However none of them until about nine years ago took off the excess weight in a healthy fashion and kept it off until I finally found “the plan” that worked for me and can work for you.

Was It Easy?

It was but it still took determination to make it work and to follow it.  I knew that IF I didn’t follow this, it would be my last attempt which would leave me at a very high weight with no solution left but to live out my life very FAT!!

I purchased the complete “Turnaround Kit” – I cleaned my refrigerator, freezer and kitchen shelves of all the foods that could derail my efforts.

I downloaded and printed the “Meal Plan” and I put my start date on my calendar.

 I don’t know why but for some reason even though I had everything I needed to begin that day, which was Saturday, I just felt it would be better if I started on a Monday. Why do we do that?

We eat every day so what difference did it make whether I started on a Saturday or a Monday? But I did start on Monday!!

This Was Not Going to Be Another Diet

This was going to be a plan that I would be able to follow for the rest of my life.  Not only so that I could loose my excess weight but so that I could be healthier which would make me happier and I could:

  • Buy all new clothes
  • Show my waist, my legs
  • Touch the floor
  • Exercise more easily
  • Have quilt FREE lunch dates with friends

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